Response Center Portal

Description of the SERVICE-driven architecture in the IoTastic digital Response Center solution

IoTastic Responssenter handles 2 types of home solutions for affiliated patient services:

1) Local IoTastic Simple Hub (Solution 1) managed by the IoTastic Response Center with its “external IoTastic Process based cloud server” and relies on an Internet connection for alarms. This solution has some limited functionality with sensor / actuator connections. (Cheapest solution). It handles: Door Sensor, Safety Alarm, Motion Sensor, Fire Alarm and Bed Sensor (presence, moisture, epilepsy etc.) as well as on / off actuators for simple controls.

2) Local IoTastic Process server (solution 2) has an advanced IoT integration. Today, it is integrated with most common BUS technologies available with a variety of sensors and actuators for integrating smart solutions, especially in the Institution and Home Care market. Through our close collaboration and ownership with MedCam AB and IaM AS, we are already planning integration with Medical BlueTooth/Wi-Fi equipment such as Smart Weights, Blood Pressure Gauges, Insulin Gauges, Cardiac Check Measurements, Pulse Oximeters, etc. An important point of “Local IoTastic Process based cloud server” as a local cloud service is that it will also be able to operate locally functional (WiFi) and alternatively send Alarm SMS without the Internet being connected. In addition, this server can be associated with many additional features and equipment (local control scenarios). All personal data will be stored here locally (GDPR advantage). In normal operating situations, it also communicates to IoTastic Responssenter's messaging service distribution.

We propose solution 1 as a starting point, but extend to solution 2 when more advanced local integration is desired such as handling Medical rangefinders, Digital camera surveillance, Video conferencing etc. The requirement for integrating equipment is an “open” or made available protocol from equipment supplier. This is especially true with Solution 2 for Anonymized Digital Supervision that handles cameras.

Digital Response Center with Home Care Scenario Examples

Digital Response Center courses: (EPR-forum)

Norsk: eSam = elektronisk Samarbeidsarena

Opplæring i bruk av Digitale Responssentere med mobile Alarm-mottak
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